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RVR & JC College of Engineering
2022 — 2026Pursuing Bachelor's of Technology, Information technology, CGPA:8.9
St.Ann's Junior College
2020 - 2022Intermediate, MPC stream, GPA:9.65
St.Ann's E.M High School
2020Secondary School Education, Andhra Pradesh State Board, GPA:97
![work img](assets/images/work.png)
Intelligemce Automation Virtual InternshipParticipated in Robotic Process Automation internship by Blue Prism.
Cybersecurity internshipParticipated in cybersecurity internship powered by AICTE.
Python Programming InternshiipParticipated in Python programming internship powered by AICTE.
![skill img](assets/images/skills.png)
Programming Languages
Java Python C DSAWeb-Development Technologies
HTML CSS Java ScriptTack-MEAN
MongoDB Express Angular NodeJS![strength img](assets/images/strength.png)
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with attention to detail
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Quick learner with a passion for staying up-to-date with new technologies